We use cookies and other technologies on our website. Some cookies are technically necessary, while others help us perform analytics to improve our website and provide content relevant to you.
The listed cookies enable basic website functions and cannot be disabled. In addition, we use a GTM container, which is required for the control and integration of tools and tags. The tools and tags are integrated only with your consent to the cookies in the other categories.
Prevents loss of data in forms
We use OpenStreetMap as tile provider to show you visually the location of our stores and merchants.
Allows Google Maps to be loaded on this page.
Decision management with Consent Mode (Google Consent Mode)
Allows the storage of advertising-related data such as cookies
Google LLC
Please note that we inform Google about your consent decision to ensure that our tags and those from third parties function according to your preferences.
Specifies consent to send advertising-related user data to Google
Google LLC
Please note that we inform Google about your consent decision to ensure that our tags and those from third parties function according to your preferences.
Specifies consent for personalized ads
Google LLC
Please note that we inform Google about your consent decision to ensure that our tags and those from third parties function according to your preferences.
Allows the storage of analytics-related data such as cookies, for example, visit duration
Google LLC
Please note that we inform Google about your consent decision to ensure that our tags and those from third parties function according to your preferences.