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Repairs of sensors, fittings, transmitters and controller

Seldom Necessary – Always With the Best Quality

If a product from Knick is no longer working as you should expect, our highly qualified technicians are there to help. Whether a measuring instrument, sensor, fitting or controller, a small miscue or complex damage, our experts with proven know-how can resolve the problem as quickly as possible. If you need, we can make a loaner available to you during the repair. And when you want to renew your quality certificates, this team is the right contact.

Our highly qualified technicians repair each product with the usual Knick quality.

It works like this (applies only within Germany!)*: 

  1. For processing a repair or complaint, please use our Service Hotline at +49 30 80191-241 and request a return material authorization number (RMA). You are also welcome to use the contact form. 
  2. Our repair team will give you the RMA number.
  3. Please write the RMA number on your delivery note, make sure that the product is cleaned and securely packed for transport, and enclose a completed Declaration of Decontamination
  4. Please send the product to the following address: 

Knick Elektronische Messgeräte GmbH & Co. KG
Repair Acceptance
Beuckestraße 22
14163 Berlin

* For all other countries: Please contact one of our local partners. If your country is not included in our list, please contact our team in Berlin.

Locate your local service partner for repair assistance