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WG25 Séparateur d’alimentation sans alimentation auxiliaire | Ex | Transmission des signaux HART


WG25 Séparateur d’alimentation sans alimentation auxiliaire | Ex | Transmission des signaux HART

For supply of intrinsically safe 2-wire transmitters and SMART transmitters.

  • Affordable
    Good price due to omission of integrated power supply
  • No mains supply required
    Cost savings due to lower wiring effort, no mains influences
  • Low power losses
    No unnecessary heating in the enclosure
  • Protective separation
    according to EN 61140 Protection of maintenance staff and downstream devices against excessively high voltages
  • HART transmission
    Bidirectional point-to-point transmission of digital data according to the HART specification
  • EMC tested
    RFI suppressed and surge proof, reliable operation even with electromagnetic interference
  • Maximum reliability
    No maintenance work, therefore the related costs are not incurred

The Task
The passive WG25 repeater power supply is loop-powered. It is used for galvanic hazardous-area separation of a 2-wire supply line and transmits both 4 ... 20 mA and HART signals in both directions. With a voltage drop of just 4.2 V, the WG 25 uses the supply optimally so that all common 2-wire transmitters can be connected.

The Advantages
Compared with active repeater power supplies, it has considerable price and reliability advantages. 
Multi-channel systems, for example, require only one central, safe-area power supply that does not even need protective separation.

The Technology
Using Knick TransShield technology, the WG25 has specifications that were previously not available in passive repeater power supplies:

  • Extremely high reliability, MTTF of over 300 years
  • Protective separation, transient protection
  • 10 kV test voltage (optional)
  • High electromagnetic compatibility
  • Extremely low residual ripple and common-mode interference
  • Outstanding pulse formation
  • HART transmission
  • Hazardous/safe area separation

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Détails techniques

Communication (Sortie numérique): HART
Protection contre les explosions: Ex
Séparation des potentiels CA/CC: Jusqu’à 1 000
Fonction: Transmission du signal et alimentation des sondes à 2 fils
Entrée: 4 ... 20 mA
Sortie: 4 ... 20 mA
Tension d'essai: 4 kV CA
Alimentation en tension: Sans alimentation auxiliaire
Température ambiante de service: –10 ... 50 °C
Dimensions (l x L x H): 22,5 x 73,5 x 118,2 mm
Caractéristiques particulières: ATEX: II (1) G [EEx ia] IIC, Transmission des signaux HART
Catégorie de produits: Séparateur universel / séparateur de signaux normalisés



[4502] User Manual (DE, EN)
WG 25
Loop-Powered Supply
Version 04

Fiches techniques

[4397] Fiche technique
Description du produit | Caractéristiques techniques | Gamme de produits


[13687] EU Declaration of Conformity (DE, EN, FR)
WG 25 A7, Opt. ... & IsoTrans 37 A7, Opt. ...
No. EU210416A | 2021-04-16

Notre service

Utilisé dans les processus ou les applications

Amplificateurs séparateurs haute tension et convertisseurs de mesure pour l’acquisition et la conversion de signaux de courant, de tension, de température, de régime, de dilatation et de résistance.

Produits apparentés

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