It has long been common practice when taking pH/ORP, conductivity, and oxygen measurements that a fixed analyzer be mounted near the sensor. The analyzer serves several purposes. It is the display, the calibration tool, and the source of the output signals for data collection.
Analyzers represent a significant portion of the loop cost when making these measurements. The cost shows up as the following pain points:
Many end users of these analyzers have resigned themselves to the fact that they must use a fixed device, pipe/wall/panel mounted, with analog outputs representing their process variables. Why?
The new MemoRail Modbus A1405N is the optimal solution for integrating a compact, flexible, all digital analyzer in an extremely cost effective manner. This device addresses the aforementioned pain points in the following manner:
MemoRail Modbus is a multiparameter, dual-channel analyzer that can be used with Memosens and digital sensors such as pH (glass and IsFET), ORP (redox), oxygen, and conductivity (conductive and inductive). It’s also the only analyzer in its class that is suitable for use with a digital optical oxygen sensor. All sensor types can be used in any combination in the dual-channel version.
MemoRail Modbus provides a complete digital loop. The end user benefits from:
MemoRail Modbus is a 17.5mm wide DIN-rail mounted analyzer. This means you can collect data from up to 64 sensors from only 560mm (22 inches) of DIN rail.
Since calibration can now be done offline or directly from your HMI, you no longer need the traditional analyzer display. This means no more additional cut-outs in your panel.
MemoRail Modbus is a fraction of the cost of a traditional analyzer.
Is it possible to reduce costs while improving performance? With MemoRail Modbus, it’s a guarantee.
7월 2024
Process Analytics
2월 2024
Process Analytics
Uniclean700, Launch