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A26000 Universal Isolated Signal Conditioner | Input 0…±20 mA or 0…±10 V | Current and voltage measurement


A26000 Universal Isolated Signal Conditioner | Input 0…±20 mA or 0…±10 V | Current and voltage measurement

The specialist for ±10 V and ±20 mA. With calibrated range selection and broad-range power supply.

  • Flexible and extremely precise
    Calibrated range selection without complicated readjustments
  • Broad-range power supply
    VariPower 20 … 253 V AC/DC
  • Compact design
    12.5 mm modular housing; up to 80 active isolators per meter of mounting rail
  • Quick and easy configuration
    Housing can be easily opened
  • Pluggable screw terminals
    Simple, time-saving assembly and prewiring of enclosures
  • 3-port separation
    Protection against incorrect measurements or damage
  • Maximum accuracy
  • Specific test report
    Following EN 10204 2.2
  • Protective separation
    according to EN 61140 protects against unpermitted high voltages
  • Maximum reliability
    No repair and failure costs
  • 5-year warranty 

Isolation amplifier for the transmission and conversion of standard 0 to ±20 mA and 0 to ±10 V bipolar signals frequently used in industry, for example, for speed monitoring using tachogenerators.

여러분의 의견을 기다리겠습니다!

기술 세부 정보

제품 카테고리: 범용 아이솔레이터 / 표준 신호 아이솔레이터


사용 설명서 (매뉴얼)

[410] User Manual (DE, EN, FR)
Version 07

데이터 시트

[399] 데이터 시트
제품 설명 | 명세서 | 제품 범위


[11745] DNVGL Type Approval Certificate
No. TAA00002H8
Issue No. 2
P150**H1, P150**F1, A260**F1, A260**H1
[11437] Certificate of Compliance (UL)
No. 2019-11-22-E340287 (ZT231124D)
Process Control Equipment, Electrical
Series B130** P150** A260** BL513


[12154] Software (.zip)
ePLAN P8 Produktmakros
[11876] Knick Produktmakros (.pdf)
ePLAN Electric P8


프로세스 또는 애플리케이션에서 사용

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관련 제품

관련 블로그 게시물

Knick Products Comply With UL - What Does That Mean?

There are different assessments and approaches to reach an adequate level of safety. Manufacturers are typically on the “safe” side, if they comply with recognized standards.