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SE560 pH Sensor | VP | 120 mm | For low-conductivity media and low temperatures


SE560 pH Sensor | VP | 120 mm | For low-conductivity media and low temperatures

For low-conductivity media or low temperatures, refillable liquid electrolyte.

  • Precise measurement under difficult conditions (low conductivity, contaminations)
  • Measurement at low temperatures
  • Integrated temperature detector
  • 3 ceramic junctions
  • VP connector

Precise measurements due to self-cleaning junctions with high outflow of electrolyte even for media of very low conductivity. Measurement at low temperatures possible.

Low-temperature applications, cooling brine, electroplating, low-conductivity media



传感器材料: Alpha 玻璃
参考系统: 银/氯化银,可补充液态电解质
工艺连接: PG 13.5
插接头: VP (VarioPin)
测量范围: 0 … 14 pH
温度: -20 … 80 °C
温度检测器: Pt1000
相对压力: -1 … 0,5 bar
长度: 120 mm
隔膜: 铂 (3x)



[14165] User Manual (DE, EN)
ZU 1054 Sensor Protection (Sensorschutz)
[12317] User Manual
SE560 (VP + Memosens)
Version 04


[13395] 宣传册
传感器 - 适用于测量pH/氧化还原值、电导率和氧。数字式与模拟式。


[2601] Data sheet
SE560 pH Sensor (VP)
Product Description | Specifications | Product Range


[14516] EU Declaration of Conformity (DE, EN, FR)
No. EU210621A | 2021-06-21
Analog Sensors, non Ex
[14155] Declaration of Compliance 2.1 (DE, EN)
according to EN 10204 | gemäß EN 10204

Safety guides

[11048] Material Safety Data Sheet
CaliMat buffer solution pH 4,00
[11045] Material Safety Data Sheet
CaliMat buffer solution pH 7,00
[11046] Material Safety Data Sheet
CaliMat buffer solution pH 9,00
[11049] Material Safety Data Sheet
CaliMat buffer solution pH 2,00
[11044] Material Safety Data Sheet
CaliMat buffer solution pH 12,00



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